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A not quite comprehensive list of things I worry about as a new mom

  • Making sure I hold them enough 
  • Making sure I don’t hold them too much
  • Making sure I hold them equally 
  • Letting them sleep in my bed
  • Not letting them sleep in my bed
  • Are they eating enough
  • Are they eating too much? These good pouches say they’re for 12 months and up
  • Are they getting the same amount of love
  • Do people favor one more than the other?
  • Are they developing at the same pace?
  • Does it actually matter if they develop at the same pace?
  • I should be letting them try to feed themselves with utensils more
  • Cleaning up after them trying to feed themselves with utensils takes so long it cuts into other activities time
  • What if they learn how to take off their poopy diapers?
  • What if they play in it?
  • Will babies get pink eye?
  • When I bathe them together, someone will end up loose in the bathroom. Baby WILL try to lick the toilet. 
  • Should I be giving them more floor time outside of the playpen?
  • If they fall on wood or laminate it’s a lot harder on their lil noggins…
  • Would I be a crazy person if I got them those little inflatable helmets?
  • I should be spending more time helping them learn to walk holding my hands 
  • Baby shoes are the worst. The sizes are all over the place and I can’t tell when they’re on right
  • Do they have enough people in their little circle?
  • Will I ever have time for myself?
  • How do other twin moms get their babies to take regular naps. Aside from going for a drive, one always wakes up when I set them down. Always.
  • Maybe I’m bad at this
  • Can they eat XYZ? Will they choke? The internet says it’s okay….. but it still seems bad…. I’m not gonna do it.
  • With me being their sole caregiver 24/7 will they freak out if I leave them with a sitter?
  • Can they eat ABC? …. Better not to chance it…..
  • Are they too hot?
  • Are they too cold
  • How can I file their toenails without waking them up?
  • Am I letting them watch too much Ms. Rachel?
  • Can I survive without Ms. Rachel?
  • If I let them do XYZ they could get sick
  • What if they get RSV?
  • What if they get it so bad they need hospitalization?
  • Can’t hide away from life trying to avoid getting sick
  • Babies getting sick is scary
  • Do they love each other?
  • Are they happy?
  • Why’s she doing that with her hand isn’t that a sign of autism?
  • Why’s she doing that with her legs? Isn’t that a sign of autism?
  • Why isn’t she responding when I call her name now? Isn’t that a sign of autism?
  • How do I teach them to be good people?
  • I need to read more parenting books
  • Just because it’s in a book doesn’t mean it works 
  • How much damage can helicoptering over them to keep them safe really do?
  • I’m not doing enough
  • What if it never gets easier?
  • Are they getting enough from just me? I don’t have a second parent sounding board. I make all the decisions… what if they’re not the right ones?
  • What if something happens to me?
  • What if something happens to one or both of them?
  • I don’t want to drive in the snow alone, let alone w babies. 
  • Sometimes I think I’ve completely lost it 
  • Should I be letting them play with that?


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