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Quick N Easy 2 Hour Bedtime Routine

How to get twins to bed in 2 hours or less! Or maybe a little more…

1. Take babies upstairs to my bed.

2. Change diapers. 

3. Turn on soothing bedtime lullabies. 

4. Turn on star light machine. 

5. Make a bottle for the first baby while making sure neither baby crawls off the side of the bed.

6. Feed first baby on boppy using right hand. 

7. Use left hand and/or one or both legs and feet to stop the second baby from:

• Diving off the side of the bed

• Crawling on or smacking the first baby in the head. 

• Attacking the dog at the foot of the bed.

8. Do the above while also making sure not to wake the half asleep feeding baby. 

9. Burp and Put first baby into their bed asleep. Be very, VERY careful to not wake baby.

10. Fail because you went too fast because the send baby was making a run for the edge of the bed.

11. Put the second baby in baby jail and try to get the first baby back to sleep. Fail. 

12. Repeat steps 5-9 with second baby. 

• Pray that first baby falls back asleep while feeding second baby. 

** She doesn’t. 

13. Once second baby is asleep in crib try to rock first baby back to sleep. She fights it. 

14. Try to pat her back to sleep. She fights it. She wins because if she yells she’ll wake up her sister.

15. Let her play some more while sneakily trying to put toys away for bedtime. 

16. Pick her up and go for a walk around the house. 

17. She’s tired and yawning but fighting sleep. Lay down in bed with her and eventually she falls asleep. 

18. Debate if you should let her stay in bed or move her again. Decide to move her because you’ll get terrible sleep if she’s in bed while you worry about squishing her or her escaping and getting hurt.

19. Finally get her into her own bed and as soon as you get into your own bed the dogs start barking downstairs. 

20. Call it a miracle that the babies don’t wake up since you thought ahead about this exact situation and made sure the bedroom door was closed to muffle any outside noises. 

21. Post this update and finally go to bed over 2 hours later.


  1. i read so much of what you've written here if not everything. you... are probably the strongest woman in the world.


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