I sit here, on November 18th trying to put my thoughts together for an organized and well written blog post for Michaela's anniversary on the 19th. It's the first one without my mom. The first year that she's not here to write something herself. I feel the need to write something spectacular and heart warming to honor them both, even though I know nothing I come up with would be as good as what my momma would have written. And as with most things I've tried to write over the last few years, I feel it will probably look more like a jumble of thoughts and emotions that could have been put together by an ADHD squirrel. On top of that, what is there new to say, that my mom hasn't already said 1,000 times? Still, I will try. My family has always known great loss. My whole life (or what I can remember, at least) has always had a shadow of loss hanging over it. But these last few years have REALLY hit us hard. First with the loss of Karina, my older brother's wife at ...