My mom was always telling me I should start a blog. “You should call it ‘This One and That One’” she’d say, referencing how we frequently found ourselves referring to the Twinkies. “This one pooped.” “I think that one is hungry.” I’ve been generally hesitant to start a blog, because on top of preferred short Facebook posts, I’m a little embarrassed by my inevitable bad grammar, punctuation, and run on sentences. My mom was the English major, I wrote essays to my high school English teacher about why they should give me an A, though I definitely didn’t deserve it. I was thinking about how I she wouldn’t ever write another blog again, now that she’s gone. That I want to make sure to create backups of all her blogs, to keep them online forever. I thought about how writing a blog could leave a piece of me for my babies when they’re older. It would honor my mom. Keep her memory alive, along with Jamie’s. Plus, you know, I have all this free time on my hands. (Does sarcasm transl...